Quote Quad Masthead

Current Issue: Vol 35, No. 3
1Notes from the ChairGuy R. Larocque
2 Memories of the Mysterious Ken Cliff Reiter
7 Shape CliquesRobert Bernecky
18Generating APL printouts with a2ps (any to PostScript)Pedro de Almeida
24A small part of Lattice TheoryRalph Selfridge
30EXERCISES AND PROBLEMS: Solutions to the Skyline problem Ray Polivka

Recent Quote Quad Issues

Volume Number Title
33 1 Volume 33, Number 1

32 4 APL2002: Array Processing Languages Lore, Problems and Applications
32 3 Volume 32, Number 3
32 2 Volume 32, Number 2
32 1 Volume 32, Number 1

31 4 Volume 31, Number 4
31 3 Supplement to APL00: Think Arrays in a Great City
31 2 APL2001: An Arrays Odyssey
31 1 Ich bin ein APLer

30 4 APL00: Think Arrays in a Great City
30 3 The past, present, and future of J
30 2 A Visit with Lingo Allegro USA
30 1 APL in the Insurance industry

29 4 Gearing Up for Berlin
29 3 APL98: New Gems from Old Roots
29 2 APL99: On Track To The 21st Century
29 1 Programming's Eleventh Hour Approaches...

28 4 APL97: Share Knowledge Share Success
28 3 Walt Niehoff discusses the past and present of GRAPHPAK
28 2 John C. McPherson Earns the Iverson Award
28 1 Powerful and Easy Business Graphics

27 4 Reflections of Toronto...Looking back on APL97
27 3 Exploring Time Series Analysis
27 2 Get plugged in!
27 1 Roger Hui earns the Iverson Award

26 1-4 Quote Quad Volume 26

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qqart.dot 30k MS Word 97
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Last Update: February 14, 2003
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