Submitting Content to Quote Quad
The Quote Quad Editors welcome your contributions to this publication. If you have text
to submit, contact one of the Editors. Machine-readable form is preferred; e-mail contributions are
welcome. If special handling of text (APL fonts, formulas, or charts) is required, please also fax
or mail a printed copy to one of the Editors, with text as you would like it to appear
(for use as a guide). It is not necessary to spend a great deal of time formatting yoursubmission
for publication, as it will be reformatted here to match the rest of the papers. Document templates
for Quote Quad and Proceedings as well as APL fonts are provided below:
IBM grants the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) a right and license
to use, execute, reproduce, display, perform, and distribute the attached
IBM APL fonts only for the purposes of preparing and/or editing articles
for publication by SIGAPL/ACM. This right and license does not include any
commercial use.
Please ensure that any tables, figures and examples can be shown within
our 3.6 inch column width. This will limit most examples and APL code to approximately 35-40
characters on a line. This will greatly assist production.
We encourage you to submit screen shots, wherever they may be appropriate. Speak with the Production
Editor for details about including screen shots of applications that are being reviewed. Additionally,
consider including photographs as part of your content. Good clear photos of APL people and events
can be an interesting adjunct to a paper.
It is important to provide and figures, illustrations, screen shots or photos as separate files;
do not embed them within your word processor documents.
We also welcome APL product news. These items will be included as space permits, and may
be subject to summarization and other editing. Prospective announcements should be sent to the
Executive Editor, preferably in e-mail form.
Each item published is to be interpreted as the personal opinion of the author, unless an
organizational endorsement is made clear. Dependencies on the work of others are to be clearly noted.
Text know to be in wide circulation will not normally be printed. Text submitted for publication is
not normally returned. Letters to the Editor, including e-mail, may be considered for publication
unless the letter request otherwise.