Upcoming APL, J, & other Functional Programming Events
Deadline for APL Challenge - January 31st, 2025
The deadline for the current annual APL challenge is Friday 31 January 2025 at 09:00 UTC. Solve the problems using TryAPL online.
NYCJUG - Tuesday, April 8th, 2025, 18:30 EDT
The New York City J Users Group will hold its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 8th at 6:30 pm EDT. Please take a look at our Meetup site for further information. To see notes on this and other past meetings, take a look at our meeting notes .
BAA - Thursdays, 2025, 16:00 BST (UTC+1)
The British APL Association hosts an online open session - look here for more information.
ArrayCast - the array languages podcast
This hour long podcast has many episodes, including interviews with numerous notable people in the array-language community.The APL Show
Inspired by Ken Iverson's paper ''Notation as Tool of Thought", this podcast explores various aspects of notation in the context of the APL programming languages.APL Quest - Fridays at 15:00 UTC
Work through solutions from the Dyalog APL Problem Solving Competition; look here for more information.
Semi-Regular Thursday APL Meetings
Nearly every Thursday at 16:00 UTC, either the British APL Association or Dyalog has a meeting or webinar. For more information, look here for the BAA and here for Dyalog.
SIGPLAN-sponsored Conferences
The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages sponsors a number of conferences. For more information, look here.
Various Functional Programming Events
Look here for "the ultimate", though it is Clojure-centric, list of upcoming meetings for functional programming languages.
Recent Events Relevant to APL and Other Functional Languages
APL Germany Spring Meeting - April 29th-30th, 2024
The spring meeting of APL Germany took place on April, 29th and 30th at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Details of the meeting can be found here (German).
NYCJUG Meeting - Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, 18:30 EDT
The New York City J Users Group held its regular online monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30 pm EDT. Please sign up on our meetup page to get the link to this online event and take a look at our meeting notes .
APL Seeds '24 - Wednesday, March 27th
This annual event is geared toward beginning array programmers who want to discover the capabilities of APL. The meeting is online and free to attend.
British APL Association meeting - Thursday, February 1st
The BAA's bi-weekly open session took place at 16:00 GMT (UTC+0) on February 1st. Information for this and other meetings can be found here.
Video of Morten Kromberg at APL BUG
The Bay Area APL User Group recently hosted Dyalog CTO Morten Kromberg talking about new features of Dyalog APL. The video can be found here and requires a passcode "Tl!4sek^".Additionally, slides from the talk may be found here (PDF).
Panel on the Advent of Code challenge - Thursday, January 18th
This panel discussion on the Advent of Code coding challenge took place at 10 am ET (4 pm UTC+0). Special guests included Aaron Hsu, Adám Brudzewsky, Conor Hoekstra, Jay Foad, Peter Vernigorov, and Rich Park; they discussed solutions and approaches to problems from the 2023 Advent of Code competition.
Dyalog User Conference, October 14-19, 2023
The introductory talk may be found here.APLBUG - Monday, June 19th, 2023
The Bay Area Users Group hosted Data I/O, a discussion with Richard Park of Dyalog about moving data in and out of APL workspaces. Officers of APLBUG were also elected at this meeting. More information may be found here.Kx Con - May 17-20, 2023
This conference for the K & Q languages is called ''The Time Series Data & AI Summit''. It was held in Montauk, NY, USA. A retrospective on the conference may be found here.Vector Webinar, April 20th, 2023
The British APL Association held an open session webinar on Thursday, April 20th, 2023 at 16:00 BST (UTC+1). Look here for more information.
APL BUG Round-Table Discussion - April 10th, 2023, 17:00 UTC
The Bay Area Users Group has scheduled an open discussion at this time. More information may be found here.
Videos for Dyalog '23 posted
The videos of presentations from the Dyalog '23 conference held this past October are here.
In Memoriam - Linda Alvord
The APL community is saddened to hear of the passing of Linda Alvord, a long-time educator and contributor to applications of APL.
Array Cast
This series of pod-casts discusses array programming languages, usually with a different guest from the array-languages community. The hour-long episodes are listed here.
APL2000 announces APL64.
The initial production version of APL64 is expected to be released in July 2022. More information may be found here.
Log-On announces APL2 GA v. 3.03
The latest GA version 3.03 of Log-On APL2 for workstations introduced support for HTTPS websites and successfully tested the version on WINDOWS 11. Please contact ''Log-On'' at apl2@log-on.com for details on how to receive the new version, or look here.
Term-Rewriting in K
This project implements simple unconditional term-rewriting with examples from elementary logic using an elegant k6 implementation of limited symbolic unification.
One problem solved in six languages
This video compares solutions to a simple problem coded in six different languages - C++ (4 versions), Rust, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, and APL - by a professional C++ programmer.
J version 9.03 Released
The latest stable version of the J language, 9.03, is freely downloadable. This version introduces name reference caching, compensated summation (to improve accuracy of addition), computations with twice the precision of normal floating point, and other efficiency improvements. Look here for more information. J is available for these platforms:
New Paper: The Derivative Revisited
This paper revisits much of Ken Iverson's 1979 paper on derivatives, from differential calculus, of the most general type, bringing the notation up to date. It also provides an APL model of the derivative operator.
Essays and J Code from Keith Smillie
The late Keith Smillie published a number of works and associated code on learning J and implementing various statistical calculations in it as well. Some of them are here.
Fun Q book on machine learning using q now available
The book "Fun Q: A Functional Introduction to Machine Learning in Q", by Nick Psaris, covers many topics in machine learning with q code provided. More information on the book, the q language, and the machine learning code may be found here.
Shakti Youtube Channel Launched
Shakti has started a Youtube channel with Meetup talks and an installation tutorial to learn more about k9.
New version of k available from Shakti
A new and different version of k, called "k9", is available for download from Shakti. It currently is available for MacOS and Linux.
Dyalog Version 18.0 Now Available
Version 18.0 of Dyalog APL is available on all supported platforms. This release includes significant performance improvements, a bridge to Microsoft's .NET core, new APL primitives, and more. Look here for more details.
Mesh: a spreadsheet programmable with an array language
This code editor that feels like a spreadsheet supports APL and k. There is a video introduction to Mesh using Shakti.
Minimal introduction to k
Here is a very brief introduction to the k language.
APL+Win C# Script Engine Released
This latest 19.0 version of the APL2000 product line makes available this C# interface to subscribers. See this for more details.
Run APL in a browser and use APL in web-page development
Paul L. Jackson's browser-based APL can be installed locally and used to design, display, and test web pages from the APL development environment.
John Scholes, in memoriam
We are sad to report that the inimitable John Scholes passed away recently. He is remembered fondly by the APL community, not the least because of his many engaging appearances, some of which are available online, particularly his Plea for Simplicity, his tutorial on how to deal with distractions while programming, and Social Skills for Programmers.
Dyalog 2018 Videos
Videos of some of the talks at Dyalog '18, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from October 28th through November 1st, are available here.
New Release of Eli: Compiled APL
"ELI", a system for programming with arrays, with most of the functionality of ISO APL but with extended data types like non-homogenous arrays, complex numbers, and temporal data, is freely available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. The language has a compiler as well as an interpreter and SQL statements. Visit the Eli homepage and take a look at this article in Vector for more details.
Source of JavaScript Implementation of APL Available on Github
The source code for the above-mentioned implementation of APL - "NGN APL" - that will run in a browser, is here. It is written in CoffeeScript, a language that "compiles" to JavaScript.
Gnu Open-source APL Released
GNU APL is a free interpreter for which the source code is available. It is written and is being maintained by Jürgen Sauermann under a Gnu license. It is aimed at a Linux environment but compiles under Cygwin for a Windows environment.
Waterloo APL Archive
The Waterloo APL Archive has been resurrected here. These links have not been tested thoroughly, so please report any problems to us.
Graphical J Sentence Analyzer
Announcing a graphical sentence debugger for J: wouldn't it be great if you could actually see how a sentence executes? Instead of puzzling over some expressions like this:
z =. 100 200 300
+/ z + i. 3 3
609 612 615
you can see a picture like this: